Monday, March 10, 2014

Yoga has a great benefit on your body's strength and flexibility set aside from many other benefits. The different postures performed in yoga reinforces the muscles around your spine. Most of the balancing poses help channel the center of your body. When yoga is done correctly it can help with posture and alleviating back, and neck pains. Yoga is known to calm people from outside personal issues and relaxes the mind.
-Melissa Farnen

Exercising at Home vs. at the Gym

Is it more beneficial to workout at a gym, or in the privacy of your own home? This is a question that many contemplate. There are pros and cons to each situations. Pros of joining  a gym may include a variety of equipment, conveniences, and motivation. However, gyms can be pricey, and your drive to workout may be killed or diminished if it's far away and it takes you a long time to reach your gym. Working out at home requires that you obtain your own expensive equipment, however, you can workout whenever you want to and never have to wait for anything. Ultimately, the choice between gym and home is one that differs for each situation, and it all depends on what's right for you.
-Gigi Garcia

Importance of Drinking Water

Energy drinks and sports drinks are alright for your body, however water should always be the first option. Water has a much better effect on your body than any other drink. Above is a diagram portraying the positive effects that water can have on your body.

Can Music Affect your Workout?

YES! Studies show that the beat of the music can reduce fatigue, physical, and mental health. This will help with your motivation throughout the workout. It has also shown to help teams that need to be synchronized. Like a rowing team, they are required to row at exactly the same time. Therefore, teams like this play music with a loud beat for the rowers to follow. Coaches have seen an extreme difference in their teams performance. Overall, if you want to get the best out of your workout, listen to music with a well defined beat.

Monday, March 3, 2014

What to eat Post Workout

A healthy lifestyle includes the right amount of exercise combined with a balanced diet. For example, if you complete a challenging workout and then come home and eat an entire pizza, your body won't benefit from all of your hard work. In order to avoid this, it is essential to know what to eat or drink after completing a workout. A post workout meal must include protein, because protein is a source by which muscles are able to recover and grow. Good sources of protein include grilled chicken, turkey, or fish. You may also want to make sure that your meal is high in carbs, so that you're able to refill your energy.
-Gigi Garcia
Everyone knows that its hard to start working out but after you feel amazing. To help push and start a consistent fitness schedule, ask a buddy to workout along side of you. Having a buddy that encourages you and pushes you to do better is bound to make an amazing workout buddy. Additionally, you have to be careful when picking a partner. You don't want to pick someone that lacks exercise, is negative, or has a different level of work ethic. You don't want to be held back; the main purpose of a workout buddy is to help you push your limits. A workout buddy has many benefits including, pushing you past your limits, looking forward to exercising rather than dreading it and they will hopefully help you keep a consistent workout schedule. \
-Melissa Farnen

Burning Calories

Many of your favorite activities will help you to burn calories, but how many? Refer to this chart when wondering how many calories you will burn by doing your favorite exercises. Also, you can use this chart to decide on new activities to take part in.

Workouts to do in the Winter

Some think it can be difficult to get the correct amount of exercise in the winter. Although, it it can be easy, you just have to know how to get exercise. You can go outside and enjoy time in the snow. Get your family together to play the traditional game of football. You could also go skiing or ice skating. They are both great sports to keep you active during the winter! For a daily routine, go running. Although the sidewalks may not be plowed, find a route that keeps you on side roads so it is possible to run on the road. It is very important that you dress appropriately for the occasion and remember to have fun!